Avukat Penbe ÜNER KESKİN
Mediator Lawyer
Mediator Lawyer
Lawyer Penbe Üner Keskin was born in Istanbul in 1981 in Elazig Province, Maden District. After completing her university education at Ankara University Faculty of Law between 1999-2003, she got her lawyer license and started working as a freelance lawyer in 2005. As a lawyer of the Istanbul Bar Association, she continues her activities in BORAN & ÜNER HUKUK VE CONSULTANCY office, of which he is one of the founders in ŞİŞLİ, and has many years of experience and success in the lawyer profession.
Throughout his professional experience, she has worked in the fields of real estate law, divorce law and labor law, and she has a long-term experience in this field. In addition, companies such as RİCOH TURKEY BASKI ÇÖZÜMLERİ LTD.ŞTİ, GÜNEŞ SİGORTA A.Ş, GLOBAL MEDİKAL, DK İNŞAAT, MAYDENİM, YENİ ANADOLU MADENCİLİK, ÖZEL NUR TIP MERKEZİ are client companies that have provided litigation and consultancy services in the past and still. Based on real estate sales promise contracts from contractor companies (OSMANLI İNŞAAT , BULUT İNŞAAT , Fİ-YAPI , MAKROM İNŞAAT , UKRA YAPI , VERA GRUP , Dİ –YAPI , EYFEL YAPI, DUMANKAYA İNŞAAT, İNANLAR İNŞAAT, SELİMOĞLU İNŞAAT etc.) provides consultancy and follow-up of lawsuits filed against companies in favor of consumers who suffer victimization.
During her professional experience, she attended the following seminars in order to improve herself professionally and received mediation training.